
The Trillion Dollar Puzzle in your pocket: Why we started Niyam AI

The Trillion Dollar Puzzle in your pocket: Why we started Niyam AI

Have you ever been on a flight where they specifically asked to power down Samsung Galaxy Note 7s? That wasn't just an isolated incident. It was a rare public glimpse into a hidden crisis that's lurking in every piece of tech you own.

Your phone, your car's computer, even your smart fridge—they're all complex jigsaws. But here's the thing: engineers are solving these puzzles without the box, fitting pieces from different sets into one coherent picture.

One tiny mismatch, and boom—you've got a crisis.

Here's a fact that'll make your head spin: the electronics industry loses billions yearly due to component compatibility issues. It's a trillion-dollar problem hiding in plain sight.

Every recall, every delayed launch, every shelved innovation? That's not just a headline—that's the future, on hold.

  • That life-saving medical device that could've been in hospitals last year? Stuck in compatibility hell.
  • The electric car that could've slashed carbon emissions? Recalled because two parts couldn't play nice.
  • The smartphone feature that could've changed how we communicate? Scrapped because it couldn't mesh with existing hardware.

Behind every device are brilliant minds working overtime. They could be pushing boundaries, creating the next big thing. Instead, they're stuck in a maze of manual checks, trying to predict how millions of parts will interact.

This is where Niyam AI comes in. We're not here to replace these geniuses; we're here to supercharge them. By leveraging AI, we're flipping the script on how hardware is designed and validated.

Picture this: engineers spotting issues in seconds, not weeks. Companies innovating without the fear of costly recalls. Your devices? Safer and more reliable than ever.

This isn't sci-fi. It's happening now, and we're building it.

Imagine the next groundbreaking medical device reaching patients years earlier. Electric vehicles becoming the new normal. Your next phone lasting longer and doing more than you ever thought possible.

This isn't just about changing an industry. It's about improving the devices that you use in your everyday life. You can try our software out here and see for yourself.


Streamline your processes with Niyam AI's cutting-edge platform,
empowering you to validate electronic designs with unparalleled speed and accuracy.